© Estate of Salvador Dalí / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VEGAP, Madrid
L’atavisme Désoxyribonucléique (Atavism(*) Deoxyribonucleic (**) – Vegetables), 1971
Salvador Dali —- Spanish
- 1904-1989
“Gargantua used to start his meal with a few dozen ham slices, smoked ox tongues, boutargues, sausages and some other wine prompters. During which time, four of his menials were busy throwing into his mouth, one after the other and without stopping, whole spadesful of mustard. Then he used to drink an awesome quantity of white wine to clean his kidneys. Then he would eat, depending on the season, meats according to his appetite and wouldn’t stop eating until his belly became too tight.”
(*) Atavism is the reappearance or reoccurrence of an ancestral characteristic, behavior, or style in an organism after several generations of absence.
(**) Deoxyribonucleic acid, commonly known as DNA, is the molecule within cells that carries the genetic instructions and information that all living organism need to develop, live, and reproduce. DNA is passed from parents to their offspring.
Excerpt from Les Diners de Gala (Gala’s Dinners), 1973, by Salvador Dalí.