© Estate of Salvador Dalí / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VEGAP, Madrid
Les Delices Petits Martyrs—Hors-d’oeuvre (Little Martyr Delights—Appetizers), 1971
Salvador Dali —- Spanish
- 1904-1989
“And to finish, I suggest the elephantastic appetizers to the imagination of my readers. However, let them know that a gustative possession is the only way of building one’s edible phosphenes(*).
(*) A phosphene is a natural phenomenon, where a sudden flash or circle(s) of light appear without external light actually entering the eye: this can be caused by rubbing your eyes, physical trauma to the head, sneezing, and more. Phosphenes are commonly known as and referred to by the phrase ‘seeing stars.'
Excerpt from Les Diners de Gala (Gala’s Dinners), 1973, by Salvador Dalí.