© Estate of Salvador Dalí / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VEGAP, Madrid
Les “Je Mange GALA”—Aphrodisiaques (The 'I Eat Gala's—Aphrodisiacs), 1971
Salvador Dali —- Spanish
- 1904-1989
“The ‘Pot Pourry’ was full of soups of various kinds, salads, fricassees, spicy dishes, cabirotades, roasts, boiled beef, carbonnades, big hunks of salted beef, ancient hams, divine salmons, cakes, pies, a whole world of Moorish delights, cheeses, herbs, jellies and fruit of all kinds.”
Excerpt from Les Diners de Gala (Gala’s Dinners), 1973, by Salvador Dalí.