© Estate of Salvador Dalí / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VEGAP, Madrid
Les Panaches Panachés—Poissons Crustacés (Variegated(*) Feathers—Fish and Crustaceans), 1971
Salvador Dali —- Spanish
- 1904-1989
“You can atone for it with the trout ‘again Siren’ made up by myself—with a fish head and a woman’s body—so beautifully painted by my friend the great surrealist painter René Magritte, and have this delicate dish prepared for you only in Brussels. For that is the place where people eat ‘eel with a thousand herbs.’ And where the ‘against—Siren—Rene—Magritte’ is liable to be cooked with the maximum of culinary responsibility.”
(*) Variegated is an adjective used to describe something that has a lot of different colors, especially in the form of irregular patterns or streaks.
Excerpt from Les Diners de Gala (Gala’s Dinners), 1973, by Salvador Dalí.