Blueprint for the Omega Project, Artpark, Lewiston, New York

Blueprint for the Omega Project, Artpark, Lewiston, New York

  • Owen Morrel
  • 1982:057.003
Niagara Falls, Canadian Side

Niagara Falls, Canadian Side

  • Thomas Benecke
  • 2006:001.213


  • James Rosenquist
  • 1989:058
Houston, Texas

Houston, Texas

  • Arthur Taussig
  • 2018:005.091
L'Arc de Triomphe

L'Arc de Triomphe

  • Edouard Leon Cortes
  • 1981:040


  • Chryssa Vardea-Mavromichali
  • 2019:001.001(7)
Les Charis Monarchiques—Gibiers Volailles (Monarchial Flesh Tones—Game and Poultry)

Les Charis Monarchiques—Gibiers Volailles (Monarchial Flesh Tones—Game and Poultry)

  • Salvador Dali
  • 1997:056.004


  • Lois Lane
  • 2009:050
Frances Tavern, New York

Frances Tavern, New York

  • Samuel Chamberlain
  • 2012:001.003
Portrait Sketch: Marsden Hartley Sleeping

Portrait Sketch: Marsden Hartley Sleeping

  • Jacques Lipchitz
  • 1982:023
Two Chairs, Samos, Greece

Two Chairs, Samos, Greece

  • Eve Sonneman
  • 1996:066.002
Mist of the Falls

Mist of the Falls

  • Wolf Kahn
  • 2006:002
Goose Egg Pisanka

Goose Egg Pisanka

  • Jennifer Hnat-Glenn
  • 2021:002.001
East River Night

East River Night

  • Ernest Fiene
  • 2013:004
Niagara Falls, from the American Side

Niagara Falls, from the American Side

  • Frederic Edwin Church
  • 2011:034
Earth Disk Mandala

Earth Disk Mandala

  • Neil Tetkowski
  • 1999:239
Total Anblick des Niagara Falls

Total Anblick des Niagara Falls

  • after Pierie/Wilson
  • 2006:001.051
Island Landscape

Island Landscape

  • Preston Dickinson
  • 1998:063
The White House

The White House

  • Maurice Utrillo
  • 1979:005
Portrait of Stanley Kuras

Portrait of Stanley Kuras

  • Lauren Tent
  • 1993:075


  • Charles Ephraim Burchfield
  • 1987:051
The Lady and the Stick (A Story)

The Lady and the Stick (A Story)

  • Stephanie Brody Lederman
  • 2000:059


  • Antoni Clavé
  • 1986:052
Ice Mountains at Niagara Falls.- Drawn by W.H. Gibson.

Ice Mountains at Niagara Falls.- Drawn by W.H. Gibson.

  • William Hamilton (W.H.) Gibson
  • 2006:001.314


  • Augustus Jackson Thibaudeau
  • 1979:067
+ Y (X) bo #1

+ Y (X) bo #1

  • Andrew Topolski
  • 2000:023
Vers le Blanc Infini

Vers le Blanc Infini

  • Hans/Jean Arp
  • 1987:042.005
On the Assembly Line

On the Assembly Line

  • Wessel Couzijn
  • 1989:131
Breaking II

Breaking II

  • John Monti
  • 2015:002.002
Our Famous Niagara Falls as it May Appear Shortly…

Our Famous Niagara Falls as it May Appear Shortly…

  • H.M. (Harry McEwen) Pettit
  • 2006:001.381