Untitled (American and Canadian Falls.)

Untitled (American and Canadian Falls.)

  • Unknown Maker
  • 2011:033


  • Pat Owens
  • 2007:011.001


  • Chuck Agro
  • 1989:107
Boat Movement: Cape Split, Maine

Boat Movement: Cape Split, Maine

  • John Marin
  • 2000:069
Impossible Lovers

Impossible Lovers

  • Sister Mary Corita Kent
  • 1989:031
Prove or Disprove...

Prove or Disprove...

  • Rita DeWitt
  • 1987:187
L'Italienne, after Modigliani

L'Italienne, after Modigliani

  • Jacques Villon
  • 2012:043
The Falls of Niagara, With Goat Island.

The Falls of Niagara, With Goat Island.

  • John Maude
  • 2006:001.063b
Shooting the Rapids

Shooting the Rapids

  • after George Barker
  • 2006:001.327
A Bird's eye View of the river Niagara from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario…

A Bird's eye View of the river Niagara from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario…

  • W.R. Callington
  • 2006:001.099


  • Ellsworth Kelly
  • 1989:030
Drapeau imaginaire

Drapeau imaginaire

  • Serge Charchoune
  • 1985:043.002
J.W. Ferree's The Falls of Niagara and Scenes Around Them

J.W. Ferree's The Falls of Niagara and Scenes Around Them

  • Unknown Maker
  • 2006:001.292
Relations and Vibrations

Relations and Vibrations

  • Jesus Rafael Soto
  • 1987:014
+ Y (X) bo #1

+ Y (X) bo #1

  • Andrew Topolski
  • 2000:023
Will Sampson Jr. with Woodland Beadwork

Will Sampson Jr. with Woodland Beadwork

  • Carson Waterman
  • 2023:006
Before the Falls

Before the Falls

  • Susan Copley
  • 2016:006
Niagara Falls with Observation Tower

Niagara Falls with Observation Tower

  • Polly King
  • 2004:025
Niagara River and Falls. From Lake Erie to Lake Ontario.

Niagara River and Falls. From Lake Erie to Lake Ontario.

  • Amos W. Sangster
  • 2006:001.342.Volume 5
Le Centrale de Spirale

Le Centrale de Spirale

  • Alexander Calder
  • 1993:026
Two Chairs, Samos, Greece

Two Chairs, Samos, Greece

  • Eve Sonneman
  • 1996:066.001
Untitled [Sailboat and Buoy]

Untitled [Sailboat and Buoy]

  • Amos W. Sangster
  • 2021:005.004
Brock's Monument. (From the American Side.)

Brock's Monument. (From the American Side.)

  • William Henry Bartlett
  • 2006:001.108i


  • Mike and Doug Starn
  • 2002:028
Niagara Falls, Table Rock

Niagara Falls, Table Rock

  • Gerald C. Mead Jr.
  • 2010:023
The Shaky Situation of the Political Blondin.

The Shaky Situation of the Political Blondin.

  • Bernhard Gillam
  • 2006:001.335


  • R. Calderon
  • 1998:070
Niagara Falls, from Canada near the Clifton House.

Niagara Falls, from Canada near the Clifton House.

  • John W. Orr
  • 2006:001.104d
St. Martha-Patron Saint of Cooks

St. Martha-Patron Saint of Cooks

  • Josh Iguchi
  • 2013:038
Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co., Buffalo River

Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co., Buffalo River

  • Arthur Harold Lindberg
  • 2000:068